
Public Domain

Alan Blundell rounds up the sources you can contact for PD software.

Public Domain

This month, as promised over the last couple of issues, I've included some information about sources of PD software which has come my way. When I came to write this, I was surprised to learn how few of the PD libraries which have appeared are still operating.

Next issue, I will give details of yet more new software which I have received recently. If space permits, I hope also to look back over the last couple of years to see what has changed on the PD front, and to pick out some of the most successful PD software releases for 8-bit machines.

Sources Of PD Software

8-Bit Software
17 Lambert Park Road
Hull HU12 8HF

8-Bit Software is certainly still thriving with a small but committed following, and produces regular disc based magazines, which include varying amounts of PD software. Run by Chris Richardson, the group is primarily a sort of disc-based bulletin board for BBC users, including text articles, software submitted by members and other assorted interesting bits. It also has a PD library of around 150 discs, a large number of which have been contributed to the group by members who have acquired them from the various other PD libraries.

Membership of the group is free but there is a charge of 50p per issue of the disc based magazine, and you also need to supply a formatted disc and return postage and packaging for each issue. You don't need to be a member to order PD software; charges are £1.00 per disc, supplied on reused discs, or 50p plus your own disc and return postage and packaging.

18 Carlton Close
Bolton BLS 5DL

BBC PD has a library of 170 or so PD discs, plus early volumes of Beebug magazine discs (up to and including Volume 5), all ELBUG discs, plus most issues of Acorn User's monthly 8-bit magazine discs from 1984 to 1990. It also has 'Fast Access' disc-based magazine, all Disk User magazine discs, and over 30 Megabytes of Master 512 software including the John Lyons range of educational software (as shareware).

Charges are £1.50 per 5.25" disc or £1.75 per 3.5" disc, inclusive of VAT, postage and packing.

Mad Rabbit PD
PO Box 4
West Yorks WF4 3XE

Mad Rabbit PD is run by Joel Rowbottom and has over the last year brought out several discs which I had not seen previously, especially a selection of discs which are likely to be of interest to Star Trek or Red Dwarf fans. Mad Rabbit reopened, after being closed down for some time, in mid-1993.

Unfortunately, I haven't had a response to my last letter and batch of discs, sent in October 1993, so can't give any guarantee that Mad Rabbit is still operational. If it is, charges are £1.25 per disc, fully inclusive. The last catalogue I saw detailed around 50 discs of PD software. [Alan is not the only person to have had problems getting in touch with Mad Rabbit; do write before sending any money to avoid disappointment - Ed]. I'm afraid that that's the complete list of sources that I have any up-to-date information about. Other addresses which might be worth trying are:

49 Hollyberry Close
Winyates Green
Worcester B98 0QT

2 Seaview
Hoylake L47 2DD

I have no information as to the current status of these two, so I don't know if letters will be replied to.

It wouldn't be reasonable to omit SOLINET from a list like this. SOLINET was originally set up as a user group for Solidisk sideways RAM board users, many years ago now (and before the Master series existed). The group still has permission to distribute the full range of software written for these add-ons. Much of this is, however, specific to Solidisk boards rather than to sideways RAM in general, due to the non-standard method used by Solidisk to access RAM on its own expansion boards. However, the group is now of interest to any BBC or Master users who have a disc drive and offers self-help on all sorts of areas of interest from starting to program to building your own hard disc system from scratch (these are examples of topics covered in issues of the group's disc based monthly magazine).

The group operates on the basis of a modest annual subscription and members can send a disc monthly for a copy of the latest issue. It also has a PD library available to members.

The contact for SOLINET is:

Ron Marshall
41 Westbrook Drive
Notts. NG21 OPB

If you contact any of the above for further information, don't forget to include a reasonably large (A5) stamped, addressed envelope - if not from courtesy, then at least to improve your chances of receiving a reply!

Closing Down Sale

Unfortunately, having just listed BBC PD (which most readers will know is actually run by myself) as one of the current sources of PD software, I have to announce that it will cease to operate at the end of April 1994. For some time now, I have been struggling to fit in too many demands on my time. Something had to go, and I decided that it had to be BBC PD. I still get lots of correspondence from people interested in PD software, but very few people now want software rather than advice or help with some problem. Rather than let the delays in my replies get longer, I decided to set an end date which will at least give everyone the chance to see what's available.

I hope that readers will forgive me for mentioning this via this column, but I decided that this was the easiest way to circulate the information widely. To give as many people as possible a chance to see what's available, I'm making a limited offer to Beebug members (until the end of March) of a free disc and catalogue on receipt of a suitable S.A.E. (at least A5 in size, and preferably reinforced to protect the disc).

If you would like one, write to me at the BBC PD address above before the end of March, not forgetting to state which of the following disc formats you prefer: DFS 40-track; DFS 80-track double-sided; or ADFS 'L' format. The offer is limited to the number of 'used-once' 5.25" discs which I can make available, but I don't expect to refuse any requests. The discs detail all of the software which I have amassed and include samples of various types of software whenever possible, from games to more serious items.

Alan Blundell