Games Computing

Psycho Shopper

Publisher: Mastertronic
Machine: Commodore Vic 20

Published in Games Computing #13

Psycho Shopper (Mastertronic)

Another Frogger-type game but with a difference. You play the Psycho Shopper who has to cross the road collecting coins on his way avoiding cars and lorries that speed along the highway at awesome speeds. The game has four total different screens. Three of them being a definitive Frogger style of sheet and the fourth resembling the inside of a supermarket where you get to spend your hard-earned, (even if you did find it laying by the side of the road), money.

The game has good graphics and sound but I do feel that the writer has something against old Granny Gladdis, for on every sheet you have to avoid her deadly touch. The game has six skill levels between one which is the easiest (Huh! and six being virtually impossible, as there are so many cars and lorries plus out old friend Gladdis, all out to get you and keep you off the road.

There is no way you can jump ahead into the supermarket without crossing every road (You have been warned).

The game has a pause facility and is very addictive. The instructions scroll along the title page character by character rather quickly and becomes quite hard to read. Also the score, hi-score, and time remaining are printed at the top of the screen, unfortunately they are all cluttered together and a glance at the score during a game registers nothing. The game itself is easy to follow because most of it has been worked out not to produce a jumbled mess everywhere with every movement. This game is extremely addictive although it is immensely hard to play. It won't take you just one day to complete the whole game. If you ever complete it you can always try yourself on a harder level.