Games Computing


Publisher: Postern
Machine: Spectrum 48K

Published in Games Computing #9

Psi-Spy (Postern)

Psi-Spy is a complete mixture of arcade adventure strategies. The menu-driven controls consist of seventeen different keys although only five are in use at any one time.

Play is started in the approaches to the labyrinth where your skill in collecting rigs and trapping the guards, who pursue you from phase two onwards, will be converted to your intelligence, psi-power and stamina for your adventure in the labyrinth where you must collect the five keys of Zar in order to escape. On your way you will pass through many rooms, most of which are protected by guards.

You can buy any objects that you see from the guards, or you can fight for them. To fight effectively, you must have some weapons - spells, a tachyon gun, tax returns (!), or brain bugs, which are activated by pressing a key. You can fight until these or any of your attributes are exhausted.

Of the other objects that you collect, nectar and bread give you stamina, scrolls give you psi-power, Zen crystals give intelligence, and gold contributes to your final score - whether you succeed or die. Guards can be wizards, skulls, dragons, spidermen, monkey things, or trolls. You can kill these to get their possessions. If you reduce one of their attributes to zero they die. The Mocon character changes colour - if he is purple then catching him will gain you strength, any other colour and strength, and possibly gold, will be lost.

Psi-Spy also drives the Currah microspeech unit. However, I was unable to test this aspect.