Commodore User

Project Nova

Categories: Review: Software
Author: James Pickering
Publisher: Gremlin
Machine: Commodore 16

Published in Commodore User #38

Project Nova

A few months back it was looking like the quality of Gremlin Graphics was steadily on the decline, what with the release of Kung-Fu Kid and Reach For The Sky I was beginning to lose confidence in them, and I half expected Project Nova to be in the same category. It just shows you what a couple of bad games can do to the image of the company. But I am happy to report that I was wrong. Project Nova is one of the best, or even the best game that Gremlin Graphics have released for the C16/Plus 4.

Project Nova is a shoot-'em-up with a difference. If anyone has ever played Commodore's Stellar Wars, then there is a slight resemblance. The difference being that Gremlin Graphics' version is much more technically advanced. Fast reflexes and rational thinking is what is needed with this game.

The most daunting thing about it is the three-page booklet, which must be read first before attempting to play the game. This booklet is well put together and fairly easy to understand, and tries to view anything in a logical sense. But do please read the booklet first and then everything about the game fits into place.

Project Nova

The aim of the game is to rid the galaxy of the menacing aliens and achieve the ultimate rating of Legendary [You need a three page booklet for that - Ed]. The only other aid you have is the onboard computer. This has many varied tasks including controlling energy, plotting a grid of the galaxy showing exactly where the aliens are, and many countless other electronic devices.

When you first start playing you have 4999 units of energy. Use this energy wisely. Flying at top speed using full shields, firing lasers and hyperdrive can exhaust your supply of energy.

Using the computer can choose the galaxy you wish to go to. The grid is divided into sixteen squares, some squares have numbers, others stars. The squares with the numbers inside refer to how many aliens there are, and the stars refer to three aliens or more. To move from galaxy to galaxy you must use Hyper-Drive.

Project Nova

Once you have switched to an alien-infested galaxy, you can start the combat. These aliens fly at an incredibly fast speed and you must use your viewfinder to find out exactly where they are, rid the galaxy of them and progress to level two junior ensign. Not an easy task, believe me.

If, when in combat, you are unlucky enough to be hit, you can either wait forty seconds for the computer to repair the fault, or repair the ship manually and save time.

The graphics and sound are a high standard and together make the game look and play more realistically. If you think that your nerves and reflexes can cope with the strain of such an awesome game, then check out Project Nova, you will not be disappointed. Let's hope that Gremlin Graphics keep up the same high quality with their future releases.

James Pickering

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