Commodore Format


Author: Andy Roberts
Publisher: Binary Zone PD
Machine: Commodore 64/128

Published in Commodore Format #54


The existence of the Yeti is questionable, the idea that the Sphinx was built by Martians is debatable, but there is one thing in life you can be certain of - if you write a game with SEUCK, people will always know, no matter how much presentation you pile onto it. The only way to give your game credibility so to be imaginative, and create games which don't feel or play like every other SEUCK creation in the universe.

This latest SEUCK romp caught my attention because, above all it was funny, and proved that there are some people out there with imagination and a sense of humour. The game stars a rather spritely old man called Reg, who must make his way to the Post Office and collect his pension (and no doubt have his only conversation of the week with the Neanderthal Post Office clerk).

The majority of the baddies in the game are actually youths, who mercilessly throw tin cans around at an alarming rate. Add to this a mad dog who leaves little, er, messages all over the grass, and it looks as though Reg will never be able to buy his telephone stamps.

Despite its origins, U-R-Reg wins through with its original gameplay and attention to detail. For instance, when he's in the park, Reg cant walk on the flowerbeds. There are also some clever little interludes, such as the tea break (where Reg can collect cups of tea and biscuits for bonus points), and the theatre show (which provides a welcome break between levels). The locations are varied, from the football pitch in the park and main roads, to the Scumbag Estate (my particular favourite).

Stripping away the thought and imagination, U-R-Reg is just another SEUCK game, but it's one of the best I've seen in a long time. Let's face it, you could do much, much worse than this.

Andy Roberts

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