Commodore Format

The Zinj Complex

Author: Andy Roberts
Publisher: Lwtcdi
Machine: Commodore 64/128

Published in Commodore Format #54

The Zinj Complex

This first production from 'Look What The Cat Dragged In' software comes all the way from clement Denmark, rapidly becoming home of some of the strangest-sounding software companies in the world.

If you're a fan of Michael 'Jurassic' Crichton, you might well have read his equally stunning novel called Congo, which focuses on an expedition to the Lost City of Zinj. Alas, the eponymous Zinj complex in this particular game is based underneath the Arizona desert, and bears no resemblance to the legendary African city of the same name.

After a team of exploratory scientists are wiped out exploring the city (by poisonous gas which came through the walls), you're sent in with your safety cloak and Super-Stun-O-Matick MK3 weapon to rid the complex of hostile baddies and squidgy blobs.

The game itself is a very simple, flick-screen arcade adventure, based in a number of startlingly similar (and equally garish) rooms. Along the way, you'll need to open crates, some of which are booby trapped (and most of the others empty). You'll also have to locate the key-card to open any titanium doors and a lift pass to gain access to the other floors.

The Zinj Complex is far from stunning. In fact, it's a little on the boring side. The non-descript enemy sprites move slowly and awkwardly, the action is sparse and the whole experience is about as interesting as a hiking holiday in Albania wih a group of insurance salesmen. There might just be an element of excitement in there (somewhere), and if you enjoy mapping out featureless terrain then you'll probably love it.

Andy Roberts

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