Commodore Format

Ostfriesland Games

Publisher: The Electric Boys
Machine: Commodore 64/128

Published in Commodore Format #48

Ostfriesland Games (The Electric Boys)

Ostfriesland, wherever it is, is an odd place. Ostfrieslanders don't go in much for the games most mere mortals-play. Instead they prefer cow-milking, tea-bag throwing, pig-shooting and roof-building. The only sport they seem to have in common with the outside world is cycling, but even then they do it in their own inimitable style.

The challenge starts with cow-milking. Despite its colourful and initially amusing premise, it soon becomes apparent that cow-milking isn't much fun. All you do is waggle your joystick left and right as fast as you can until you've either filled your bucket or knackered your joystick. The only variety is in throwing stuff into your opponents milk to turn it sour, but such thrills soon wear off.

Skeet-shooting fans will enjoy the next event - pig shooting. That's flying pigs, of course! It's actually the best part of the game, which isn't exactly saying much.

If your joystick hasn't already been destroyed, the next event, cycling, will finish it off. You've got to hold the Fire button down and continually turn your joystick anti-clockwise until you finish two laps of an island track. Your bike, interestingly enough, has square wheels, but that's where the interest ends.

Of little more interest is roof-building, which is just as boring as it sounds. You race against your opponent to be the first to fill the gaps in your roof. The trouble is, it's so slow it's like watching a tortoise race, without the bets.

The final sporting test is the ancient art of teabag-throwing. It's yet another annoying joystick waggler. The teabag would be better employed if you just went home and had a cuppa - it'd certainly be more exciting.

Overall, taking everything into account, Ostfriesland Games is pretty awful. There are only five events, and most of them are no fun at all. The others you'll soon get bored with.

With so many decent German games to choose from, it's hard to see why The Electric Boys have decided to spearhead their releases with this dire sports sim. Believe us, there is a lot better to come.

Good Points

  1. Initially it's vaguely amusing.

Bad Points

  1. But the joke soon wears off when you realise it's just another joystick-waggling frenzy.
  2. And a pretty dull one at that!