Commodore Format

Nobby The Aardvark

Publisher: Thalamus
Machine: Commodore 64/128

Published in Commodore Format #31

Nobby The Aardvark (Thalamus)

Thalamus have some good and bad news. The good news is that they've finally released this fabulous game. The bad news is that they've also dropped the price by two quid! [Excuse me, but isn't this good news? - Ed] Ah, yes, what a barg!

Nobby The Aardvark is a large platformer with puzzle games, underwater dodging bits and whizz-along-in-a-trolley sections thrown in to boot. Every game has an "excuse for being", nominally called "the plot". The story behind Nobby's journey is revealed to you in a brilliant (and skippable) intro section, with loads of luvverly animations.

The game echoes this quality, as crammed in here are six finely-balanced levels, each of which has its own particular game style. And it's great to look at, too, with the whole affair oozing console cuteness. Nobby The Aardvark is the kind of game that C64 owners deserve.

Instead of whinging on about the restrictions of the 8-bit architecture, the programmers should get off their bums and do more stuff like this.

The game is eminently playable and packed with original ideas. It has certainly been worth the wait.

Good Points

  1. Brilliant cartoony style graphics.
  2. Flawless collision detection.
  3. Loads of variety in loads of levels.
  4. Brilliant bounce-along music.
  5. It's fab, basically.

Bad Points

  1. Bitty and pretty big multi-load.