Commodore Format

Games Machine

Publisher: Zeppelin Games
Machine: Commodore 64/128

Published in Commodore Format #36

Games Machine (Zeppelin Games)

Not one of these games (if they were reviewed in CF) scored less than 60%. That certainly sounds like an above average box to me. The only problem is that the instructions are in German. This, you see, is a compilation originally scheduled for release in Deutschland, but, thanks to me badgering them, Zeppelin have agreed to sell it in this country too. I mean, why should they get all the good stuff?

Both these compilations are packed full of Zeppelin's best but this is definitely the star of the two, "One can't go wrong when one places Arnie and Arnie 2 in the same receptacle", as my posh uncle often muses. I'll admit the Blinky games aren't that good, but they are playable. There's nothing duff in this one folks. So as long as you have a mate who's willing to lend you their German/English dictionary, you're laughing. Gott in heimel. Or sumsink.

Arnie (90%) A classic shoot-'em-down that took the world by storm way back in June of '92.

Arnie 2 (70%) And then came the funky sequel, which is even better than the original.

Blinky's Scary School (50%) An arcade adventure with a ghost for a star, a school for the location and no surprises.

Bod Squad (90%) The Blob with a conscience. Bod the alien saves the day in this brill arcade platformer.

Doc Croc's Excellent Adventures (50%) The TV Show was great - but this mediocre platformer just doesn't come up to scratch.

Edd The Duck (50%) Personally I'd prefer him with orange sauce and a couple of new potatoes.

Fist Fighter (70%) Street Fighter clone with a sense of humour and some rather fetching nunchukas.

Neighbours (70%) Peculiar skate boarding antics with the Ramsey Street lads and lasses from down under.

Sleepwalker (50%) Not the Comic Relief game (which is a pity, because that one's quite good).

Titanic Blinky (70%)