A&B Computing


Categories: Review: Software
Publisher: Acornsoft/ASK
Machine: BBC/Electron

Published in A&B Computing 1.11


Now I have to admit that this program has me fascinated. Aimed at 5 to 11 year olds, although I would say that the upper limit is a little high, it gives you a little figure who can follow commands. You have to tell him what you would like him to do and he takes the appropriate action on screen. Your first task, and the first option available, is to find the list of words that he can respond to, for nowhere are you given a full list. So that I don't spoil the fun, I shall simply say that he/she can make a number of facial movements, some physical movements and some spacial movements (around the screen). This gives a fascinating start to the program as you try to find the words to use. As each word is expected to be typed at the keyboard, I would expect a younger child to need an adult present, but then that is true of most educational software at this age and is probably the best policy at all ages.

The second option enables you to string together movements into a sequence which Podd will then perform; this too can be quite fascinating if you choose an interesting group of words. Overall this package is likely to fascinate and educate 5 to 7 year olds but above that age the only real interest will be the spelling of some of the words. It is likely to expand the vocabulary of many young children and if yours are anything like mine, they will go around imitating Podd's actions!

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