Games Computing


Publisher: Virgin Games
Machine: BBC Model B

Published in Games Computing #5

Plankwalk (Virgin Games)

The first few times I played Plankwalk I found it - to say the least - boring. As I became more and more accustomed to its concept I grew to like it. You control scaffolding Sid, who is situated at the top of a clumsily-built scaffolding frame. You must jump from plank to plank in a downward direction as the screen scrolls up. Your progress is hampered by a monster who chases you. Your task isn't made easier by gaps and invisible planks which can send you plummeting off the screen beneath. By the way, moving or falling off any part of the screen loses you a life.

There are four skill levels (1-4) and that defines the quantity of cherries (bonus points if eaten) which appear. The graphics aren't anything special but this doesn't hamper your fun. Sound is rather weird but produces a good effect. All in all, the game is a fun one suitable for younger enthusiasts.