Games Computing

Pixie Pete

Publisher: Merlin
Machine: Commodore 64

Published in Games Computing #6

Pixie Pete (Merlin)

This is a program which has a novel idea, makes good use of sprite graphics but fails because the game itself lacks challenge and quickly loses its appeal.

The scene is the underground abode of Pixie Pete who is gathering what are referred to as carrots but look suspiciously like raspberries. Lurking in dark corners are Desmond Dragon and family who are determined to put an end to Pete.

To defend himself he has an unlikely weapon in the form of hydraulic ram pump. With this he simply inflates the dragons like balloons until they burst. Naturally they resent this undignified death and return as ghosts to further harass the Pixie.

The use of multicolour sprites is excellent and the characters are beautifully drawn. The inflation sequence is finely detailed and realistic, as dragons and ghosts expand to burst with a bang.

However, once the principle has been mastered the game becomes too easy. There are no new features in successive screens, the only change being that dragons and ghosts gradually speed up. If as much attention had been paid to the game concept as has obviously been paid to its presentation, this could have been a winner - what a pity.