Games Computing


Publisher: Atarisoft
Machine: TI99/4A

Published in Games Computing #7

Pacman (Atarisoft)

This is Atari's rendering of the well-known arcade game for the TI. For those who have managed to avoid the game thus far (which is difficult since this very version even featured recently in the heavily com-puterised car, Kitt, in the TV Knight Rider series) a run down of the rules of play is in order.

Pacman chomps his way round a maze by eating up dots, but has to avoid four goblins which will nab him and stop his progress. After he's been got three times the game ends. Luckily Pacman can eat larger energy dots in the corners of the maze which turn the tables. When this happens, the goblins become slower for a short time and can be gobbled themselves, only to be rehatched at the centre of the maze. On blinking they regain their former powers.

Each goblin is given a somewhat exaggerated identity in the 'rapper' style instructions; viz. "Blinky is fastest, so watch where he goes, Pinky is sneakier than anyone knows. Inky has quite a few tricks up his cape and Clyde cuts you off so there's just no escape. Successive mazes contain differing 'nuggets' which can be chomped for bonus points. Speeds of Pacman and goblins increase to maze five and from there on to maze nineteen remain steady as the Goblin's immobility time varies and decreases.

It's a one or two player game with nine levels of difficulty and the action can be halted and restarted if you need a break. Although this is a faithful version of the original Pacman game with good graphics, its belated introduction makes it seem dated and unexciting compared to more recent game developments. Check it out though, if only for nostalgia value.