Personal Computer News

The Treasure Of Middle Earth

Published in Personal Computer News #076

The Treasure Of Middle Earth

This eventful adventure game for the Amstrad CPC464 comes from Steve Lucas of Cheadle Hume in Cheshire.

Many years ago an evil troll ventured into the quiet and untroubled lands of Middle Earth and stole four items of their much prized treasure: a diamond necklace, a large ruby, a silver stake and an antique dagger.

The unhappy villagers decided to send their local hero, Fred, to search the outlands for the treasure. Fred never returned. With no idea what horrible fate he may have encountered, you bravely set out to find him - and, of course, the treasure.

Hints And Tips

The outlands turn out to be a distinctly undesirable place. Everywhere you go there seem to be obstructions, sometimes of a particularly unpleasant nature, and you might well find the following tips very useful:

  1. Dogs like something they can get their teeth into.
  2. Fred is not a well man.
  3. Vines will grow given the right encouragement.
  4. Dwarves like a good drop of ale.
  5. Hobgoblins are afraid of dwarves.
  6. The old man is not what he seems.
  7. Oil will release rusty items.
  8. Don't forget to water the plants.
  9. No damsel will refuse a present.
  10. Heard the one about a handsome prince who turns into a frog?
  11. Little Weed needs a new pot.
  12. Vampires are not very keen on crucifixes.
  13. The Count needs a great deal of persuasion... perhaps a stake thrown at him.
  14. The man will let you through if you give him something...

and the plot thickens...

As you can see, there are rather a lot of things to be reckoned with in your perilous pursuit of Fred and the treasure.

Program notes


Setup screen

GOes to the instruction page

Dimension arrays

Read in data

Which directions can you take?

You have found Fred and all four items of treasure and have completed the mission

Looks to see which objects are around you

Waits for input

North, South, East or West?

Your score:- percentage depending on how many items of treasure you have collected

Looks for input and goes to relevant subroutine

Various subroutines which print messages depending on your location and the objects you have and then changes the variables

Checks if you have found all the treasure and Fred


Introduction page

Steve Lucas