Personal Computer News

Draw Utility

Author: John Keneally
Published in Personal Computer News #093

Colourful pictures can be stored in the Amstrad's memory and re-drawn using this routine from John Keneally.

Picture This

Colourful pictures can be stored in the Amstrad's memory and re-drawn using this routine from John Keneally

The following utility for the Amstrad CPC464 allows pictures to be drawn in four colours (out of a possible 27) and be recreated in user programs. Pictures are stored from address 43902 downwards in a picture buffer. Space must be reserved in the user program by the MEMORY command.

Pictures are numbered from 0 upwards. The picture currently being drawn can call up any previous picture and put it anywhere on the screen. The whole picture can then be re-drawn by clearing the screen and using the draw command.

The Commands

p select a picture (0, 1, etc)
d draw selected picture
f finish current picture and advance to next. Arrow keys... move the cursor
l mark start point for line or arc draw
e mark end point for line or arc and draw it
r mark one corner for a rectangle
m mark opposite corner and draw filled rectangle
i partial infill function
t1 mark first point of triangle
t2 mark second point of triangle
t3 mark third point and draw triangle
z clear screen
k re-draw a previous picture number at cursor position
x delete last command. (Clear screen and draw using (d) command to see effect)
b set border colour and the four ink colours
c select an ink for future drawing
g display coordinates of cursor
u display length of picture buffer space used so far
k save/load picture buffer to cassette

Note: The routines from line 1000 onwards must be incorporated to use the pictures in other programs. To use, first use GOSUB 1600 to load the picture buffer (after reserving space for it using the MEMORY command. The (u) command will tell you how long the buffer is. Use a value of 43902 (minus this length). Pictures can then be drawn by setting pn% = picture number and doing GOSUB 1700:GOSUB 1000

Program Notes

50-110 Program initialisation
130-170 Wait for command and flash cursor
180-270 Dispatch command
280-960 Activate the commands
1000-1520 Main draw functions routine
1120-1130 Draw line
1150-1190 Draw rectangle
1200-1310 Draw arc
1320-1480 Routine to allow shapes to be filled in
1490-1500 Draw triangle
1510-1520 Draw another picture
1600-1620 Routine for loading picture buffer
1700-1800 Routine for the selection of pictures

John Keneally