Personal Computer News
5th January 1985
Author: William Prew
Published in Personal Computer News #093
Fill your three applecarts with fruit in William Prew's fast-action game. Instructions are in the program.
Apple Orchard
Fill your three applecarts with fruit in William Prew's fast-action game. Instructions are in the program.
In Apple Orchard you are engaged in a desperate mission to save as many apples as possible before the arrival of a hurricane. So if you didn't know it was Be Kind to Defenceless Fruit Week, you do now...
Fortunately, you're mechanised - you have thre buggies that you use to tear round your orchard. But the local vandals have scattered tacks arounds, so you also have to avoid crashing, and fuel is limited, so watch the gauge.
Program Notes
10-40 | REM statements |
60-80 | Assembler to disable the Escape key |
90 | DIMension arrays for hall of fame and reserves space for the assembler routine which is at the end of the program |
100 | MODE 7. Calls up the Assembler routine |
110-130 | Calls instructions and the PROCedure which defines the user-definable characters, and the PROCedure which displays them |
150-280 | Game's main loop. Sets up screen and initialises the variables |
300-410 | PROCedure which handles the buggy and score, etc |
430-460 | Delay loop embedded in a PROCedure which in turn passes a parameter to the loop. |
480-680 | Scans keyboard and takes appropriate action when a key is pressed. Checks position of buggy and sets up boundaries for it |
700-950 | Sets up screen, plots apples, etc |
970-1030 | Defines some variables |
1090-1120 | Prints how many lives you have left |
1140-1230 | PROCedure which handles death |
1250-1340 | PROCedure which handles everything when an orchard is cleared, i.e. resetting variables and so on |
1360-1440 | PROCedure which is called up when the player has ruined all the buggies |
1460-1490 | See 2850-2940 |
1510-1690 | Defines characters and envelopes for the sound effects |
1710-1750 | Filling the arrays with data for the hall of fame |
1770-1860 | Displays characters |
1880-2070 | Name entry routine. An OSWORD call is made with the accumulator set to zero. This method is also used by Acornsoft, etc |
2090-2220 | Hall of fame |
2240-2490 | Instructions |
2510-2560 | Space bar routine |
2580-2640 | On/Off sound routines |
2660-2680 | Freeze routine |
2700-2730 | Updating of number of apples collected |
2750-2830 | Music routine |
2850-2940 | An Assembler routine which returns the ASCII code of the character at the cursor position. It makes an OSBYTE call with the accumulator set to 135. It also uses the only Function |
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