Ostron is an arcade style game which is written in machine code providing high resolution graphics. You fly on ostron (ostrich) and must do battle with various evil knights riding their buzzards. Control
keys are well chosen; all the keys on the right hand side of the keyboard are for moving right, all the keys on the left-hand side of the keyboard are for moving left, and all the keys on the bottom row control the flapping of the Ostron's wings and its flight. You carry a lance, likewise the knights on their buzzards. To win a one-to-one conflict, you and your ostron versus a knight and his buzzard, your lance must be higher than your opponents when you touch. If they are the same height or you are lower then you die. You have five lives.
There are four different sets of evil knights, Blue Bearers, Green Chasers, Red Knaves and Dark Knights. They score, 50 points, 75 points, 100 points, and 150 points respectively. The higher the number of points, the more difficult your opponents are to defeat. The Blue Bearers are rather unintelligent and are slower than you, the Green Chasers can move at the same speed as you and tend to track you down, the Red Knaves are faster than you and the Dark Knights are the ultimate masters of their art. If you get a high enough score, a message will flash up on the screen.
Ostron is fun to play but would provide little challenge for an arcade veteran.