Commodore User

Nursery Nightmare

Categories: Review: Software
Publisher: Cable
Machine: Commodore 64

Published in Commodore User #13

Nursery Nightmare

Not a blockbuster but an extremely enjoyable, simple game with five levels of genuine increasing difficulty - the situation changes, not just the tempo. Everything revolves around your attempts to keep your offspring bloated with milk. The screen is divided into three lanes, separated by green lines: you, the harassed husband, may cross them with impunity. But if you attempt to take baby with you, on storms the apple of your eye to bonk you on the head. She will also appear if you drop your infact on the floor or fail to return with the milk in time.

You will need to carry the baby to the top of the screen, release it, zoom across to pick up a bottle, then backtrack in time to catch the infact who is tumbling toward the foot of the screen. No time to lose, as the countdwon has resumed, back to the top and make for the next bottle.

Level two sees the milk moving as well as the toys while the next trial of skill forces you to cross two lanes; it's just like running across the M1 and back again. Obviously timing, anticipation and sharp reflexes are needed. Nothing special about the graphics nor the sound, which just complements the action. Refreshingly uncomplicated entertainment.