The One

No Man's Land

Publisher: Virus Free Pd
Machine: Amiga 500

Published in The One #37

No Man's Land (Virus Free Pd)

Picture this. Two men, a disused warehouse, a variety of weapons and sackfuls of fun. That's exactly what you get in No Man's Land, a tale of two men's desire to kill each other.

Programmed by the very well known Oxygen team (well known to long-time demo purveyors, that is), No Man's Land is actually o pretty comprehensive package, despite its simple gameplay.

There are ten levels to choose from, with a 'Cup' option to allow for leagues. Each of the screens is from some sort of futuristic nightmare world: war-torn streets, military bases - they're all in there. The players start with only three lives and a rifle - from then on they Kave to make effective use of the natural cover and pick up the bonus weapons as they appear.

The fun starts when you pick up a bazooka or some grenades. Large explosions soon follow, as your shots blast large chunks out of the wall above your opponent's head. Other weapons include mines, bombs and homing missiles (these are particularly nasty, as once fired they proceed to 'home in' on your opponent, no matter where he hides).

No Man's Land is perfect two-player fun - but please note, it's two-player only. But then, there's no real fun in killing yourself is there?