Future Publishing

NHL Hitz Pro

Author: Dan Griliopoulos
Publisher: Midway
Machine: PlayStation 2 (US Version)

Published in Official UK PlayStation 2 Magazine #40

NHL Hitz Pro

The UK aficionados of ice hockey can be counted on the stumps of one mutilated Canadian mitt, yet the brutiful game still manages to churn out European releases every year. If NHL 2004 is the stark-eyed zealot's game, then NHL Hitz Pro is the beer-swilling fan's. It doesn't have the spread of international leagues seen in NHL 2004, or the Championship Manager stylings, office furnishings and portly little avatars, or even the same team rosters, but it does try to make hockey 'fun'.

This "Pro" version takes no time at all to learn; in fact, there's an excellent hockey school mode where current Canadian hockey heroes like Nicklas Lidstrom tell you 'aboot' the 'bootiful' game and how to translate it to Hitz Pro. A different sort of school mode is also included, in the shape of pick-up mode. Here you're not battling as professional NHL types; instead, you're playing as school kids in outsize kits on frozen ponds, or mechanics on a glazed carpark. Unlike Hits 2003, it also sticks to realistic NHL features such as five-on-five gameplay, league rules and penalties.

And where would a hockey game be without two polo-necked rednecks pounding the living bejesus out of each other? The fights are much worse than NHL 2004's. It's simple button-bashing stuff, but win one and your team suddenly comes aflame - no, really, they burst into flames. Then they have more energy and will throw themselves at the opposition until you stick one away. It might not have NHL 2004's po-faced commitment to accurate action, or even high production values, but it tries its damnedest to entertain.


Graphics 70%
The usual Midway mix of pyrotechnics.

Sound 90%
Hilarious voiceovers and top-notch tutorials.

Gameplay 60%
Nice variety of modes, rapid tweakable play.

Lifespan 70%
Lacks the seasonal mode of NHL 2004.

Overall 70%
Ice, ice baby... Hitz Pro is offensive second to NHL 2004, but not by more than the width of a puck.

Dan Griliopoulos

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