ST Format


Categories: Review: Software
Publisher: Action 16
Machine: Atari ST

Published in ST Format #34


If you thought training to be a doctor was hard, you should see what wizards have to go through. The wizard in Mystical, for instance, is just at the end of his apprenticeship, but the daft git's gone and scattered all his master's potions and spells all over the place. As a punishment he's been cast (heh) into a vertically-scrolling shooty game.

The wizard, controlled by your good self, makes his way up the level wanging potions and spells at all the greeblies that pounce on him. These potions and spells lie about all over the place and are just crying out to be collected. Every time wiz collects one, he stops for a second to gulp down the potion or read out the spell, then the spell becomes active. You can also collect spells and stash them away for later - do this to combat the big baby-throwing baddie at the end of the level.

Mystical is a groovy little game that offers you get sampled sound, cartoony graphics and a not-too-challenging task, though there are twelve levels to battle through. Definitely worth a look for discerning magic users everywhere.

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Mystical (Action 16)
A review