ST Format

Multi-Player Soccer Manager

Publisher: D & H Games
Machine: Atari ST

Published in ST Format #20

Multi-Player Soccer Manager

Back in ST Format 17, we reviewed a game called Cricket Captain from D&H Games. Soccer Manager is their latest offering, promising to bring the same depth to football.

This is no Kick-Off lookalike, rather a long look at just about all aspects of the game of football. Up to eight players can participate in Soccer Manager at once, each taking control of a team which must be guided to bigger things. There are 100 teams and 1,250 players to choose from. You can participate in The European Cup, the EUFA Cup, the Association and even the League Cup. Every aspect of the team's performance is under your expert guidance - so don't screw up, or the only place you're likely to end up in is the North Peckham Kebab League.

This strategy game probably appeals more to die-hard football fans than other kinds of game-player, but the program is very well designed and completely icon-controlled. Aspiring Venables check it out.