On a totally different note, how about some championship mountain biking to while away a few hours? Trust CodeMasters to pick up on the very latest of crazes and bring it straight to your screens in style.
Utilising some excellent location backdrops and some superb scenarios, this is your chance to climb aboard and get pedalling for the top prizes in this ever-growing sport.
Pick your bike, make sure that it is in tip top race condition, then pit your skills against the best of the rest, over a variety of extremely tough courses.
Designed to test your endurance to the limit, Mountain Bike is an excellent simulator that takes all of the excitement of the real thing
on board. The controls are fairly easy to master and, after a little spin around the practice track, you should find yourself putting up a
valiant struggle against your seasoned opponents.
Are you good enough to take the overall title? With a lot of dedication, a little luck, and lots of hard graft, you could find yourself getting
very close and, even if you don't make it the first time around, you're going to keep coming back to try again until you do.
Pick your track and see if you can end up as the King of the Mountains now.