Personal Computer News

ZX81 Takes a Memo-Tech

Categories: News

Author: John Lettice
Published in Personal Computer News #075

ZX81 Takes a Memo-Tech

Memotech plans to offer ZX81 owners the chance to trade in their machines for a Memotech 500. If the exchange deal gets off the ground it will be possible to trade in a ZX81 and any Memotech ZX81 addon packs you have as part of the cost of a 500.

Provisionally, a £25 allowance for the ZX81 and half the purchase price of Memotech add-on packs is being considered, but as Boots is currently discounting the ZX81 to £19.95 ("buy a 500 and we'll give you six quid," as a Memotech spokesman ruefully put it) the allowance is liable to be a little less.

The official Memotech users' group is now also under way, and the first issue of Genpat, the group's magazine, is currently in preparation. Members of the group, which is to be known as Memopad, will get first news of new software along with the magazine.

The users' group is being organised by Keith Hook, famous for his regular assembler articles in the pages of this very magazine. So, if you want to join, send £16 to Memopad, 3 Bulcock Street, Burnley BB10 1UH.

John Lettice