Personal Computer News

Winning Ways

Published in Personal Computer News #078

Winning Ways

From the first to the last minute of the show we'll be running a custom-designed shoot-'em-up game based on the training that armed policemen go through in the lawless United States.

Get the highest score of the day and we'll award you a Prism modem for the micro of your choice before we sent you out to face mobsters. For the runner-up every day there's a Prism Movit. If by the end of the show your score is still out in front, you win the star prize, a brand new Amstrad CPC464.

The game will be running on three BBC micros so you won't have to stand in a queue; all we ask you to do is fill in a form before you play - so that we know where to send the prize.

There will also be the chance to buy the game yourself at a future date when we publish it in PCN. Watch this space...