Personal Computer News

Thurnall Slips Sinclair A Disk

Categories: News

Published in Personal Computer News #074

Turnall Slips Sinclair A Disk

Spectrum users starved of storage have been thrown a sizeable sprat by a newcomer to the disk drive scene.

Thurnall Electronics has released a 3" disk drive for the Spectrum at a price of £199, giving 150K storage capacity with no loss of RAM space.

The system can be used with both 16K and 48K Spectrums and is attached simply by plugging it into the back and switching on. All the disk commands are very similar to those used with the Sinclair Microdrive system, but they offer much greater speed with full verification on every SAVE.

The disk drive is only available direct from Thurnall at the moment, and until September 30 all drives ordered come with a second free disk. An additional drive is available at £189 and the disks cost £4.69 each.

Thurnall is hoping to get its product into the shops later this year.

The drives are available for Turnall Electronics, Freepost, Cadishead, Manchester M30 6DX. Tel: 061-775 7922.