Personal Computer News

Spectrum Users Get Third Disk Option

Categories: News

Published in Personal Computer News #093

Spectrum Users Get Third Disk Option

Spectrum Plus and Minus users who want to take a step up from cassette have a new option.

For £219.95 Thurnall Electronics (061-755-7922) has produced a 3" disk drive that can handle up to 500K of storage.

The Thurnall drive comes boxed with all the necessary leads, a manual and a disk with introductory programs to start you off. In terms of compatibility, the disk drive will run a wealth of software already available for the Spectrum and it can be used with Microdrives, Interface 1, a host of printers and joysticks.

The system will be available in late January and if you're not satisfied with its performance when you've bought it the company is offering a money back guarantee.