Personal Computer News

Silver Reed's System Entry

Published in Personal Computer News #051

Silver Reed's System Entry

Printer specialist Silver-Reed has moved into the systems business with a micro that uses a typewriter as its keyboard.

The Silver Screen is a Z80, CP/M system which costs £2,357 in its minimum 64K configuration. Apart from its unusual keyboard arrangement the micro also breaks new ground in design - the monitor, which sits on top of twin 300K disk drives, closely resembles a bread bin but still gives an 80 by 24 green display.

Silver-Reed is best known outside the computer field for its typewriters, so it is hardly surprising that the Silver Screen should be provided with this input option. But you can also buy a keyboard attachment and printer to add to the main unit, bringing the price to £2,788.

The micro only has one interface at present - an RS232 - although a Centronics one is planned. This means that you can't attach both a typewriter and a printer to the Silver Screen at the same time - to do this, you'd need a special adaptor to be brought out in two months for £57.50.

Next month should also see the introduction of two more printers in Silver-Reed's range. The EXP 400 daisywheel will do 10cps, have a choice of RS232 or Centronics interface, take A4 paper and cost £327.75.

Also due for unveiling is the £400 Thermal Multiprinter EXD15 with six different typefaces.

Silver-Reed is on 0923 45976.