Personal Computer News

Second-Hand Hour's Nears

Categories: News

Published in Personal Computer News #077

Second-Hand's Hour Nears

"Old micros for new" doesn't sound like the most promising sales slogan but there may be more to the second-hand market than meets the eye.

Carston Electronics (01-943 4477) is taking a side-swipe at the quality control of the manufacturers at the same time as launching itself on a career is selling second-hand micros. "One of the less well understood benefits of buying used equipment," it says, "is that, when properly maintained, it is often more reliable than brand new."

The company, previously specialising in refurbished test instrumentation and equipment, is moving into used computers and peripherals. The smallest system it will handle will be about the level of the Apple II series, and its prices (depending on the quality of the system) could be 50 per cent below the cost of a new machine.

For the sake of buyers' peace of mind it promises to test, re-condition and guarantee used equipment to operate "as new". "We're not too impressed with manufacturers' quality control," said a spokesman, hinting that the performance of its kit might in some cases be better than brand new equipment.

With other companies, Carston is opening a second front in the price war.

There are also organisations planning auctions of used computer equipment. Besides the immediate price advantages to buyers, they should between them exert more pressure on the original manufacturers to raise their standards.