Personal Computer News

PCN At The PCW Show

Published in Personal Computer News #078

PCN At The PCW Show

The stage is set, the lights go down, the curtain rises, it's time for the PCW Show.

The seventh PCW Show gets underway at Olympia next week, and there's one vital piece of information you'll need - the route to the PCN stand. We're there on level 2, stand number 1002, ready to refresh the other stands won't reach with our blend of new and old, fun and hard fact, and a universal welcome.

New as in the new-look PCN, (Don't miss next week's issue!) but it isn't completely away with the old - the faces will be familiar even if the T-shirts have changed this year. The fun will be in the form of a games contest that could win you a robot, a modem, or an Amstrad micro. And for the four days of the show, from September 20 to 23, Computerdoc will be on hand to answer your questions on the BBC, Oric, Spectrum and Commodore machines. His willing assistants will do what they can on others.

Back to back with us, Pan/PCN will be showing off its latest books, and diagonally opposite on the BBC's own "Chip Shop" stand you'll be able to check the PCN Games Charts.

And if you're just looking for a place to stop and take it easy after a hard day's trudging around the show, step in and have a chat. There are no plans at the moment to charge you rent.