Personal Computer News

Opus Adopts Wren In Prism Break-up

Published in Personal Computer News #104

Opus Adopts Wren In Prism Break-Up

The break-up of the Prism group continued last week with the Wren portable micro dropping into the hands of Opus.

Opus, which launched the Discovery disk drive for the Spectrum last month, specialises in peripherals for home micros. But the Wren isn't expected to be a cuckoo in its nest. "We're moving into business systems with the acquisition of the Wren," said a spokesman.

"We've got ourselves into a good position in the BBC and Spectrum markets, and business there is going along quite nicely - we felt the Wren wouldn't overstretch us," he added. Opus is reported to have paid £200,000 for rights to the machine, but the company wouldn't confirm this beyond commenting that it was a good time to buy.

Users looking to Opus for continuing support will have to wait until the company decides how it will deal with the machine. "We're sitting down and discussing long and hard a plan for Wren Computers for 1985 and 1986," the spokesman said.

The Wren follows Prism's communications products into new ownership (issue 103). Launched originally as a 64K machine, it now forms a range with various memory options.

The program is designed to work with MacDraw, MacProject, Chart and others, using a range of plotters on A3 or A4 paper. When you load MacPlot you're asked to assign pens on the plotter (maximum 30 pens) to lines on the screen. The program will also shrink, enlarge or rotate the artwork.

It costs £99 - contact Microspot for details or supplies.