Personal Computer News

Looking On The Bright Side

Published in Personal Computer News #079

Looking On The Bright Side

Commodore expects to have its new C16 and Plus/4 micros in the shops by the end of the month.

But at a demo last week the ROM-based software on some of the Plus/4s was apparently being loaded from disk, and packages for the C16 were thin on the ground. The C16 first turned up in Europe almost six months ago at the Hannover Fair and the Plus/4 three months ago. Why are they so ill-prepared after all this time?

The Plus/4, Commodore helpfully points out, will run any software designed for the C16. But what it doesn't stress is that neither will run any of the software written for the Vic 20 or the C64. They are both in the position of any new micro, largely dependent on software producers to get behind them, with the disadvantage of following two machines that still sell strongly and that command a large software following. It could be a slow take-up.