Personal Computer News

Loads Of Problems Lead To Product Recall

Published in Personal Computer News #094

Loads Of Problems Lead To Product Recall

If you've bought a copy of Fall Guy or a Power Software Joystick Interface recently, you may have to wait a while longer before it will work properly. Elite Systems, producer of Fall Guy, and Power Software are both calling in these products.

The problem with some early copies of Fall Guy for the Spectrum is in the loading process. A turbo-load used to deter copying is giving trouble - Elite suggests that you may get round it by re-adjusting the alignment of the cassette deck heads, but if the problems persist the company asks you to return the tape to be exchanged.

In the case of Power Software's joystick interface there are dark hints of monkey business at Acorn. A number of recent Acornsoft games, Power Software says, won't run with its Electron Joystick Interface and it puts this down to "Acorn's adoption of a new loader program for its games".

The company goes on: "It would appear that the only joystick interface available at present that will work with Acorn's most recent games is its own." Acorn denied this.

Power Software is offering a free upgrade service to users of its interface. For details, contact 0384-370811.