Personal Computer News

In Brief

Published in Personal Computer News #077

End Of An Era?

Evidence is mounting that home micros are coming to the end of their golden age. Following the Gowling report (issue 73), BIS-Pedder's 1984 census of computers detects "a mounting dissatisfaction among users who want to be more adventurous".

As a result, the company concludes, you're likely to forsake games micros and not replace them. It descibes this as the home computer bubble bursting, a messy prospect that could see sales of carpet cleaners go through the roof.

Commodore's Boom

Commodore UK has rounded off the year in which it gained the Royal Warrant by topping £100 million in sales. Around the world Commodore took $1.27 billion, but 1985 is likely to be tougher with ex-Commodore boss Jack Tramiel drawing the battle lines at Atari.

User Group Quartet

White Lightning, featured on the cover of PCN issue 74, has attracted enough interest for two user groups to be formed. Occam and Sanyo MBC-550 goups have also been set up in the last two weeks.

The White Lightning groups are at The Model Shop, 10-16 Queen St., Belfast, and Mr. M. Richards, 8 Victoria Rd, Roche, Cornwall. The Occam User Group's secretary is Dr. Michael Poole, Inmos Ltd, Whitefriars, Lewins Mead, Bristol BS1 2NP. Sanyo users should contact Tom Drake, 143 Glebe Avenue, Ichenham, Middlesex UB10 8PG.

Aries Rampage

Memory expansion for the BBC comes a little cheaper as a result of Aries Computers' (0233 862614) decision to cut the price of its B20 20K RAM pack.

The expansion pack comes down by more than 30 per cent to £79.95. It coincides with the launch of the B12 sideways ROM expansion unit, and also with an uncompromising denunciation by Aries of 'cheap imitations' of the B20.


New software from Apstor (0273 422512) will let users of IBM, Sirius and Apricot systems interchange data by means of removable cartridge storage devices.

The arrangement applies to Apstor's Beta 5, Alpha 10 and Gamma 20 units.

Century Saver

Pocket-money software began as a breakthrough, became a trend, and is now almost standard with the emergence of another company selling games for £1.99.

Century City Software (0384 57077) has launched four Spectrum games at £1.99.