Personal Computer News

Forth Key

Published in Personal Computer News #046

Forth Key

If you think you've seen this computer before, think again. For beneath the Cotron monitor and standard Peerless enclosure, lies the first production model of the Microkey 4500, the Forth-running computer that PCN readers helped design. Microkey (0273-672911) is now taking orders for the machine at £650 plus VAT. For your money you get a 6502 processor running at 2MHz, 128K of RAM, eight colour 640 by 200 graphics (or monochrome 1280 by 200 graphics), an RS232 interface, three bi-directional parallel ports, disk controller and Forth in ROM. Sony 3" disk drives will cost you £210 each and you will also have to pay extra for the recommended Cotron monitor.