Personal Computer News

Eyes Down, Look In To The Show

Published in Personal Computer News #079

Eyes Down, Look In To The Show

Roll up, roll up for the great PCW shows. Undoubtedly the micro show of the year.

This time around it has switched from the cramped and austere delights of the Barbican Centre to the more spacious surrounds of Olympia 2 (Olympia tube, then follow the signs).

The show opens to the public tomorrow (Thursday) and runs through to Sunday. Check your bank overdraft before coming, as a stiff £3.50 will be required to gain admittance (under 12s get away with £1.50).

We hope you'll find the time to visit the PCN stand where our team of computerdocs will be available for instant consultation on your micro problems. And you can have a go at the PCN game challenge and win those Prism Movits, modems and an Amstrad CPC464. If you time it right you could take up a challenge from BBC Chip Shop presenters.

To avoid crowds, steer clear of the Acorn stand (where Acorn's Business Computer will be displayed in all its glory - see page 1), the Acornsoft stand (where the arcade addicts will be climbing over themselves to get a look at Elite) and the Enterprise stand (where the long-promised Enterprise micro will be going through its paces for the second year).

For those who enjoy treasure hunts there are rumoured to be several MSX machines to be seen but the organisers refuse to say which and how many.

Other machines that you may have heard about but not yet had the chance to see include the QL and the Amstrad - now sporting 3in disk drives, CP/M and Logo.

On the software front, anybody who's anybody is promising new games for the Christmas sales season - and that includes Activision, which is launching its top titles on tape for Sinclair owners.

And if you are looking for the chance to win prizes (besides ours) check out Lothlorien, which is giving away a free holiday, and Domark, which is giving away £25,000.