The question of software compatibility between upgraded versions of machines with the same pedigree has raised its ugly head in the case of the Dragon 64.
Dragon 32 users who have converted to the 64 version of the machine may be experiencing problems when running their old software (transferred from the 32). Any calls that are made to the ROM when in 64 mode will probably cause the machine to crash.
The problem is that the operating system ROM, normally situated between &H8000 and &HBFFF, has been moved into RAM between &HC000 and &HFEFF, giving a totally 'soft machine'. The software is, whenever you want to use a ROM routine, to take the old (32K) address and add it to an offset of &H4000 or 16384.
Dragon Data tells us that the majority of routines will work using the above method, but a few may not. Contact Dragon if you run into further problems - 0656 744700.
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Dragon 64 Compatibility - A Solution
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