Personal Computer News

Cortex II Boxes 16-Bit Brain

Published in Personal Computer News #078

Cortex II Boxes 16-Bit Brain

Powertran Cybernetics has launched what is probably the cheapest 16-bit micro money can buy. With a starting price of only £299 plus VAT, the Cortex II offers a resident Basic, a built-in Assembler/Disassembler, and interfaces for cassette, TV and RS232C. The only snag is that you must build the machine yourself from a kit. This could turn out to be a strong selling point among members of the Soldering Appreciation Society.

A number of optional extras are available for the Cortex II including interfaces for RGB and floppy disk drives. Powertrain says some experience of electronic construction is needed to put the machine together, but a help and repair service is available just in case you get stuck.

Details from Powertran on (0264) 64455.