Personal Computer News

C64 Games Top New Year Releases

Published in Personal Computer News #093

C64 Games Top New Year Releases

New year software for Commodore 64 and QL users is on the way from Romik, Pact and Energy Soft.

Romik's Knightmare and Captain Starlight, both selling at £6.99 for the C64, are described by Romik as 'the best games they've ever released'. You'll be able to judge for yourself at the end of this week, when they go on sale.

Pact (0733-233600) has added a switch and two LEDs to its Commodore software to produce a cassette interface. The Panda 20/64 will let you use a non-Commodore recorder with either the Vic 20 or the C64. It costs £17.99.

The QL gets a graphics designer from Energy Soft (0695-33988) this month. The software provides a range of drawing facilities, lets you mix text and graphics, copes with full colour and offers you single pixel plotting. It costs £12.50.