Personal Computer News

Big Country Promises Big Storage

Published in Personal Computer News #051

Big Country Promises Big Storage

The C3010 and C3005 Winchester systems supplied by ISG Data Sales

Country Computers (0527 29826) is giving away a free Qume terminal with its new 20Mb hard disk micro. The system will sell for £2,950 plus VAT.

The company specialises in Z80 hard disk systems running CP/M. The new C3000-20 micro complements two other new products announced at the same time.

The C3010 is a Winchester system with a 5Mb fixed disk and a 5Mb removable disk and sells for £4,500. The 64K RAM can be expanded up to a total of 192K.

The C3005 is a networking system using CP/NET. Up to five users can be connected to a plug-in circuit board that fits into a C3000 series micro. The board carries five processors to give station-to-station transfers at processor speed.

A basic five-user system comprising five "requesters", each with 64K RAM, and a file server with 128K RAM, 10Mb Winchester and a 500K floppy costs under £5,000. Two additional five-user requesters can be added for £1,950.

The Qume on offer is a VDU called the QVT-102, supplied by ISG Data Sales.