Personal Computer News

Autumn Fall

Categories: News

Published in Personal Computer News #077

Dawn Chorus For Radio 1 Chip Shop

Early risers can look forward to a new series of BBC Radio's Chip Shop, which from September 29 is opening for business on Radio 1 as well as returning on Radio 4.

Unlike normal chip shops, the Radio 1 version is on at 7.33am. A bonus for the bleary-eyed is that it will be graced by PCN's popular Games Charts. The program, presented by David Freeman, will run until about 7.45am.

Radio 1 will also be broadcasting software in the Basicode format at the unearthly hour of 5.55am every Sunday morning. The BBC has issued an upgraded version called Basicode 2+, which is now suitable for the Spectrum, MSX range, Electron, Dragon and Oric systems. The Basicode 2+ kit costs £3.95 from Broadcasting Support Services, 2 Cater Road, Bristol BS13 7TW.

Radio 1 will be inviting you to try your hand at submitting Basicode programs for transmission - but you should note that since the Dutch originators of Basicode intended it as a non-profit-making venture, you're not likely to see much in the way of rewards.

The returning Radio 4 Chip Shop, with Barry Norman, starts its new season at 4.15pm on September 15 1984.