Personal Computer News

ACT Systems Run Country As Business Takes Back Seat

Published in Personal Computer News #078

ACT Systems Run Country As Business Takes Back Seat

Users of Sirius or Apricot micros fed up with word processing memos and filling out spreadsheets can now relieve the boredom by playing games for the executive.

The aptly-named Electoral Services (0427 788595) has converted Simon Hessel's Great Britain Limited and his new strategy game Inheritance to run on these primarily business micros.

For the uninitiated, Great Britain Limited casts you in the role of the Chancellor of the Exchequer with the task of adjusting taxation and welfare rates as well as public spending with an election on the way.

In Inheritance, you are the lucky recipient of a £10,000 legacy which you have to turn into £1 million by shrewdly putting the money into investments or gambling.

The two games are available on disk for £23 by mail order.