Personal Computer News

There Is Hope Yet For BBC Bad Programs

Published in Personal Computer News #076

There is Hope Yet for BBC Bad Programs

The following program, for the BBC, will retrieve programs that have had loading problems and so have finished with 'Bad Program'.

First, set the PAGE to about 30000 as soon as the 'Bad Program' appears, then type NEW followed by the program below.

 10 LK%=6400
 30 LK%=LK%+1
 40 UNTIL (?LK%<&1F AND ?*LK%-1)<>13 AND ?LK%<>13 AND ?(LK%-2)<>13)
 60 LK%=LK%-1
 70 UNTIL ?LK%=13
 80 ?(LK%+1)=255

Note that it will only retrieve Basic programs and it does depend on what is causing the 'Bad Program' error message. As soon as the program displays its message, put PAGE back to &E00, type OLD and LIST or RUN.

M. A. Formosa, Cheltenham, Glos.

M. A. Formosa