Personal Computer News

Speed Up Your Atari's Basic

Categories: Letter

Author: Nick Pearce
Published in Personal Computer News #047

Speed Up Your Atari's Basic

To speed up (most) Basic programs and save memory on the Atari, check whether the following forms of the IF THEN statement are in use.

1 IF A<>0 THEN statement
2 IF A=0 THEN statement

Replace these with:

1 IF A THEN statement
2 IF NOT A THEN statement

In Atari Basic the average time saved by the second methods are 25 per cent and 14 per cent respectively.

Atari Basic can be made to go faster (about 3 per cent) by using POKE 66,1. Note this has the effect of partially disabling the keyboard so POKE 66,0 after the fast section to return to normal.

Nick Pearce
St. Leonards-on-Sea, E. Sussex

Nick Pearce