Personal Computer News

Simple Amstrad Sound Effects

Published in Personal Computer News #078

Simple Amstrad Sound Effects

The Amstrad CPC464 computer has some advance sound and envelope commands which some users may find hard to use. To remedy this I have written some basic sound effects which can be incorporated into users' programs.

Alarm ENV -1.20,4,1,20,-4,1
SOUND 1,160,800,12,0,1
Drum ENV 1.1,14,1,7,-2,4
Beat SOUND 1,0,-1,0,1,0,6
Fading Tone ENV 2,1,14,1,14,-2,20
UFO ENV -2.6,-1,1,16,1
SOUND 1.200,400,14,0,2

R. Randhawa
Warley, West Midlands

R. Randhawa