Personal Computer News

Padding Gives A Soft Centre

Published in Personal Computer News #051

Padding Gives A Soft Centre

Terry Holden's article on Wordwise centring (Issue 42) was most interesting, particularly the way Basic can co-exist with Wordwise. However, there is a very simple solution to the problem of underlining centred text. The secret is to enclose everything after the CE command with 'PAD' characters. The formula is:

   OC27,YY 'PAD'

XX and YY being the on and off codes of the printer mode requried. With the NEC-8023 printer, try:

   CE: OC27,33,27,88,ENHANCED AND UNDERLINED OC27,34,27,89

I presume that this works with other printers.

Nick Darby
Richmond, Surrey

Nick Darby