Personal Computer News

Oric Sound Gets Fifth Dimension

Published in Personal Computer News #079

Oric Sound Gets Fifth Dimension

There's no reason why this short machine code routine for the Oric 1 shouldn't work on the Atmos; with a little modification, it could be adapted for the 16K Oric.

The routine creates a fifth sound effect, in addition to ZAP, PING, SHOOT and EXPLODE.

Once the program has been run, the routine is executed by entering '1' (pling).

The machine code simply slows down the running speed by altering the contents of location 775. It then performs a JMP to #F41B, the ZAP routine, to produce a prolonged version of ZAP.

  20 FOR T=0 TO 13
  30 READ MC$:MC=VAL("#"+MC$)
  40 POKE #9000+T,MC
  50 NEXT T
  60 DATA A9,0A,8D,07,03,20,1B,F4,A9,27,8D,07,03,60
  70 HIMEM=#9000
  80 DOKE #2F5,#9000
  90 NEW:END

Philip Smart
Barnsley, Yorks

Philip Smart