Personal Computer News

Memotech MTX Compatibility

Categories: Letter

Author: Steve Benner
Published in Personal Computer News #056

Memotech MTX Compatibility

Owners of Memotech MTX512 micros may like to know whether their programs run on the smaller MTX500 machine.

Typing POKE 64122,0:NEW (RETURN) will make the 512 behave as if it was an unexpanded 500, with Basic programs starting at hex 8000 instead of hex 4000. The machine can be reset to normal operation by either using the RESET keys or POKE 64122,1:NEW (RETURN)

Machine code programmers should bear in mind that code normally LOADs to different addresses on the two machines, so to be compatible with both will either have to be position independent i.e. using no absolute addresses; or else self-relocating (location hex FA7A dec 64122 will contain a zero on the 512 from power up indicating that relocation is necessary.)

Steve Benner
Caton, Lancaster

Steve Benner