Personal Computer News

Improve Your Amstrad Joystick Potential

Published in Personal Computer News #106

Improve Your Amstrad Joystick Potential

This program is for those people who admire the fastfire facility available on some joysticks that don't work on the Amstrad CPC464.

The code is tucked away at the top of the memory and allows the joystick fire to repeat at the rate set by the speed key command.

The program should be run before the game and works by loading the accumulator with the joystick fire button key number and the B register with &FF (&FF is repeat on, &00 is repeat off) and finally calling the KM SET REPEAT firmware routine.

You may find that you have to alter the speed key setting to match the firing speed of the game.

1000 fastfire=HIMEM-7
1010 FOR addr=fastfire TO HIMEM
1020 READ dta
1030 POKE addr,dta
1040 NEXT addr
1050 CALL fastfire
1060 DATA &3E,&4C,&06,&FF,&CD,&39,&BB,&C9

B. G. Moone, Reading, Berks

B. G. Moone