Personal Computer News

Controlling The Oric's Graphics

Published in Personal Computer News #046

Controlling The Oric's Graphics

In response to Mr. Stiles comments on LORES1 for the Oric-1 (issue 40). I have a simple solution to preserve the screen mode despite the screen scrolling. Simply type:


The explanation of what this does is simple. Locations #26B and #26C contain two logical control codes which are displayed in the left two columns of the screen. Location #26B should contain the control code to set the background colour (16-23) and #26C the foreground colour (0-7). When the user selects LORES 1 the computer places control code 9 (Prestel graphics mode) into column 0 on the screen, but subsequent scrolls lose these codes and they are replaced with the defined background colour (location #26B). By replacing the control code in this location with another we can achieve alternative control codes permanently, but with the loss of background colour (the background remains black). It is still possible to change the background colour globally by printing the ESC character followed by the appropriate code.

Alternatively, you may try control code 10 (double height lettering), such as:

POKE #26B,10:INK7:POKE #26A,PEEK(#26A) OR 64

As can be seen, all combinations of double height, flashing and Prestel type graphics can be generated. The appropriate codes can be found in Appendix C (pg. 147) of the Oric's programming manual. However, remember to print only even number lines when using the double-height features.

And finally, to restore the Oric back to normal text mode:


N. Jones
Middlesbrough, Cleveland

N. Jones